Here is a page where we will list donations we’ve made along with links to the ETH blockchain transaction.

Donations to
08/08/2021Donation from Presales0.04003ETH (~$124)
8/29/2021Donation from 1st Drop0.08771ETH (~$280)
10/19/2021Donation from misc sales0.06ETH

Are there other charities who accept ETH that you believe are doing good work? Feel free to message us on our Instagram page and we will gladly take a look.

How do I know who an ETH address belongs to?

You can check the ETH address listed on a charity’s website and confirm if it matches the address shown on Etherscan. Our ETH address is:


This can be confirmed by checking our account on

From the collections page, click on the icon next to social icons titled “Activity” – it looks like 3 bars with a triangle. You can find any of the collection NFT transactions on OpenSea so far. Click on the collection account with the name “JadeRonin”. This page shows the ETH address above.