Here is a page where we will list donations we’ve made along with links to the ETH blockchain transaction.
Donations to
Date | Description | Amount | Transaction |
08/08/2021 | Donation from Presales | 0.04003ETH (~$124) | |
8/29/2021 | Donation from 1st Drop | 0.08771ETH (~$280) | |
10/19/2021 | Donation from misc sales | 0.06ETH (~$231) | |
Are there other charities who accept ETH that you believe are doing good work? Feel free to message us on our Instagram page and we will gladly take a look.
How do I know who an ETH address belongs to?
You can check the ETH address listed on a charity’s website and confirm if it matches the address shown on Etherscan. Our ETH address is:
This can be confirmed by checking our account on
From the collections page, click on the icon next to social icons titled “Activity” – it looks like 3 bars with a triangle. You can find any of the collection NFT transactions on OpenSea so far. Click on the collection account with the name “JadeRonin”. This page shows the ETH address above.